Tuesday 17 July 2012

HOW TO: Design & Make Your Own T-Shirt

Hello lovelies,

Recently I've been experimenting with fabric paints and the results were great, so I thought why not show you guys how you can make your own designs? You can really paint on to anything, bags, t shirts, canvas pumps... The possibilities are endless. So with a little creativity you can design something of your very own. Take my bones dress below as an example. I took a plain pink dress from asos and added my own little touch to it to make it something completely original. Read on to find out how!

So first of all let's go over the things you'll need...
- A plain vest/t shirt/bag, whatever you desire to customise
- Some newspaper
- Paintbrushes
- Fabric Paint in the colours you desire (for mine I used DYLON fabric paint in white and Speedball screen printing ink in black)
- A white eyeliner

So first of all you need to choose a design. I like doing bold typography. Draw an outline of the design you want on your shirt with your white eyeliner. You could also use chalk for this. When you are happy, slip some newspaper in between the t shirt to avoid the paint running through, and begin to fill in your design with the fabric paint. You may want to go over your design 2-3 times so the colour is completely opaque. With the white fabric paint I went over my design three times, waiting for each coat to dry before starting the next. You may also want to fix your design between coats with an iron (cover your design with a cloth or tea towel before you iron!) on a low heat for a few minutes. 

When you are happy with your design, you can create an outline like I have here. Use a thinner paintbrush for this and once again, you can go over this however much you like until you are happy. Wait to dry and then iron over for a few minutes to fix your design.

Ta-da! Your finished vest! Now you can wear with pride! 

It is advisable to hand wash your product before wearing, and also for further washing. The paints however should be waterproof! Check out another design I did...

It's so much fun and you'll get people asking 'where did you get that from?!' It's our little secret!
Let me know if you tried it out for yourself!

Alicja x


  1. wow, you make this look soo easy peasy, and you've done it soo amazingly!! :)
    great blog btw :D xx


  2. Awesome Alice, I'm trying to start my own blog now but I'm so blagged :S how did you make yours so cool?

  3. These look absolutely amazing! <3

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  5. Looks amazing , absolutely love it xx

  6. Nice idea!

